Dr. Freya R. George
About me
I am a metamorphic petrologist, geochemist, and geologist interested in unravelling fundamental rock-forming processes that occur at tectonic plate margins and which control the evolution of our planet. Now-exhumed rocks and minerals recrystallized at high pressures and temperatures in these settings (e.g., subduction zones and collisional orogenic belts) contain integrated records of the processes that formed them in their geochemical signatures, microstructures, and thermobarometric histories.
Using a multi-disciplinary suite of analytical, petrographic and modelling approaches, I interrogate this record to address a number of topics relating specifically to:
- fundamental processes that occur during metamorphic crystallization (e.g., mineral nucleation, growth, chemical transport, and fluid flow), and factors that control the rate at which they occur;
- the extent of and controls on chemical equilibrium and disequilibrium in rocks;
- processes that occur at interfaces during mineral reactions;
- orogenic and crustal evolution, and the pressure–temperature–time paths that rocks and melts take through the crust;
- metamorphic microstructure (i.e., the size, shape and spatial distribution of minerals) development and evolution.
Please get in touch if you've got any questions about my research or outreach, would like to enquire about collaboration, or just want to look at some rocks!

Currently, I am a Lecturer at Bristol University in the School of Earth Sciences.

Recent News
New open access paper in Journal of Metamorphic Geology on the high-temperature evolution of basal island arc crust in Pakistan! i.e., more beautiful diffusion-limited microstructures.
Is the influence of interface properties on crystal growth larger than previously assumed? Does it change the way we interpret metamorphic microstructures?
New paper in Geology (doi:10.1130/G48715.1)!
Exposures of ancient seafloor in Baltimore City? Wow!
New National Geographic and Baltimore Sun articles relating to Guice et al (2020)